Par Rodica Brad, Assoc. Prof., PhD, ”Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Abstract: Aurel Cioran gave Cioran’s letters to his family, to himself and to his lifetime friends, as it is well-known. By searching that archive in its electronic format (DVD), I discovered that one of the letters written by Emil Cioran to Aurel after 1980 haven’t been inventoried or published until now. By focusing on this aspect, I discovered that a new document is about to be published, which unites all that archive. Before this event actually takes place, I think it is interesting to present the 1980 letters, whose interest is focused on the moral support that Cioran aims to offer from distance to his brother, who was at the time prey of a severe depression, which finally lead to his hospitalization in a psychiatric institution. Even if the themes of the letters aren’t new (oldness, disease, melancholy, nostalgia of Rășinari and of Sibiu etc.), it’s the brother’s and family devotement which is absolutely impressive, but also the humaneness of Cioran and his wish to comfort and encourage his suffering brother.
Keywords : Cioran, Aurel, letters, melancholy, nostalgia, depression, devotement.